Join our network of dietitians and personal trainers who support the healthiest meal prep company.
BASIS Health delivers healthy meals to your client’s doorstep to help drive behavioral change. We’re basing our diet on the foundations of longevity - all of our meals are anti-inflammatory, gluten-free, and work with the majority of food-related disorders and diseases.
BASIS Health
- Deliver a healthy diet to your clients.
- Connect potential clients to you.
- Join a community of other dietitians
- Your clients reach their fitness goals. We’re providing the nutrition.

Put your client's diet on auto-pilot
Driving behavioral change can be hard, especially when people are busy. Cooking and grocery shopping takes time many don’t have. Driving behavioral change can be hard, especially when people are busy. Cooking and grocery shopping takes time many don’t have.
Time constraints make driving behavioral change hard, especially when clients are too busy to cook and shop fresh produce.
With BASIS clients save 10+ hours of meal preparation during the week and makes behavioral change mindless.
Quality is lacking in common meal plans as they are neither fresh nor filling and consistency varies. Ultra-processed foods and plastic packaging is used.
BASIS, we use locally sourced / organic ingredients and prepare meals fresh to ship them in BPA-free, compostable containers.
Flavor profiles begin to become inconsistent as meal prep services grow in scale.
BASIS meals are designed by Steve Jobs’ chef and crafted locally by our team of chefs, taste and quality remain perfect.
Health conscious clients have a variety of nutritional restrictions and might suffer from serious allergies or chronic diseases. Few meal plans are restriction friendly; and nutrient composition is opaque.
BASIS meals are restriction-friendly: Anti-inflammatory, gluten-free, vegan/vegetarian, additive-free, and more. See full list of restrictions BASIS is compatible with
What our dietitians and clients are saying

Restriction-friendly, performance- optimized.
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